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Please provide the Information to schedule a free demo of Inneed platform.
Details included in demo:

  A personalized tour of Inneed's paltform and services
(Complete platform working and tools that meet your business requirement)

  Start for free and pay as per your requirement.


Everything that makes us a better platform than all existing shopping websites and software for your business.

online marketplace
Why Inneed.Market for your business? We are the first platform with no middlemen involved in the complete buying process. Zero commissions on buying or selling anything and everything. No platform charges and 0% transaction fees. Complete online suite for your business with integrated logistics.
inneed purchase team
INNEED FOR BUYING Purchase Platform For Your Company One single purchase platform for your entier company. Buy everything you need from pin to planet. We have all categories*.
inneed sales platform
INNEED FOR SELLING Sales Channel For Your Customers Start growing your sales number with reaching to customers everywhere in India and International. No matter how big or small is your shop.
100% transparent negotiation on Inneed platform with direct chats & emails. No Hidden Charges.


-FOR BUYERS- 'compare and choose'
Are you looking for the best seller, best price or best product? If you have not tried Inneed.Market, you have not seen the best.
find best price


increase seller margin


-FOR SELLERS- 'free sales force'
Choose prime platform to grow sales, not prime location. Get leads for free and convert them to sales with direct buyer chat.
Drive growth and cost savings with the world’s #1 Free Purchase Software.
Learn what Inneed.Market can do for you?
inneed purchase platform
Inneed.Market is the world’s #1 free and transparent online bulk purchase platform. We help your sourcing, purchase, finance, logistics and warehouse employees work online as one team from anywhere in the world — so you can keep your business running at all times.

All negotiations and payments are made between buyers and sellers directly. Read more..

inneed connected icon

Single Connected Platform

A platform that connects team to save time and money. Bring your Sourcing team, Purchase team, Finance team, Operations team, and all your Suppliers at Inneed.Market for growth. Start and scale your business.
inneed risk free icon

Risk Free Process

Company Dashboards to show business insights from real-time data source. Approval based important & critical workflows without having to dig, sift, sort, or run a report covering all* risk in your business process.

Sampling & QC Service

We support free* sampling and quality check service for every requisition you make on our platform. Avail quality check service while packing as per your standards ensuring 100% secure delivery.
Choose a reason to start today.
inneed crm icon
PURCHASE CRM free to start today Free Seller CRM for your Shop / Company. Start with 1 and grow to any team size.
small business icon
GROWTH grow your small business Find, and keep increasing your savings. Platform for small businesses.
technology icon
TECHNOLOGY adaptive, scalable & secure For companies of any size in any industry, use technology to meet your business needs.
SUPPORT 24x7 support Get support from us 24x7, helping you to set up your business online.